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Based in Granger, IN

Kassandra's Homemade Cookies

Creating cookies as delicious as they are beautiful, baked fresh with quality ingredients, and a mother's love.

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My Story

Welcome to Kassandra's Homemade Cookies! I'm Kasey, proudly serving customers in the South Bend area. Thanks for stopping by! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions and be sure to subscribe to my email list for discounts and shop updates. Thank you for supporting Kassandra's Homemade Cookies! My sugar cookie journey began a few years ago when I was trying to create some nostalgia by decorating Christmas cookies with my 3 almost-grown children. But my cookies didn't look anything like the pictures you see everywhere during that time of year. They looked like big wet brightly colored blobs. So I went in search of the perfect sugar cookie recipe. I tried so many recipes. I ordered gel food coloring, cookie cutters, piping bags... I watched hours and hours of cookie-decorating tutorials. During this time, a verse was playing on repeat in my mind, it seemed like day and night. "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27. I know cookies won't save the world. But it's what I do. I do cookies. And I look for opportunities to use these cookies to hopefully bring a smile to someone who's been overlooked. Someone alone. Someone who needs to hear they are never alone. I started selling cookies so that I could try to support where my heart wanted to go. So, who knows, maybe when you choose to purchase cookies from me, you might be helping someone smile too.
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